When I entered Marilyn Negron's office for the first time, I had no idea how critical a step in the right direction that would be for my children's future as well as for their ability to speak and communicate effectively.  Marilyn is an incredibly intelligent Speech Language Pathologist who has advanced clinical training and education in both English and Spanish, within this field.  She is part of a rapidly dying breed of clinicians who possess a rare ability to identify and concentrate on the specific needs of every child under their care.  It quickly becomes quite evident that she truly cares for "her children" as she refers to them. Bureaucracies will never cloud her ethics and she won't choose the treatment path of least resistance. Instead, Marilyn makes accurate observations, gathers supporting evidence, documents them and assists you as much as possible in trying to help your child obtain the help that they deserve.  In addition, her office is impeccably clean and stocked with creative aids for learning.  Both of my children, with completely opposite needs love her and cannot wait until the next time that it's time to go see Marilyn.  

My youngest, Emily who is 3 years old, was unable to speak until she met Marilyn. Emily  asks me almost each morning..."do I go to Marilyn's today?"  I believe that she associates Marilyn as the person who has verbally liberated her so that Mommy, her brother, friends and teachers can finally understand what she is saying. I remember a time when Emily would cry after asking for something repeatedly and not being understood, while she would watch her brother ask for something and get it immediately.  Her teacher informed me that she was concerned because Emily was becoming withdrawn in class and they felt that it had everything to do with her speech delay.  Even though Emily had been receiving speech therapy from a different provider through Early Intervention, it wasn't until she started working with Marilyn that the teachers and I noticed Emily speaking and singing much more clearly, non-stop and the boost in Emily's confidence was very obvious.  Marilyn was also one of the few experts, who discovered that Emily's speech delay was part of her much larger Developmental Dyspraxia condition. 

My oldest, Henry who is 4 years old, is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (high functioning).  He speaks clearly and pronounces words properly.  Normally this would be enough to have his speech therapy services removed, using the current age appropriate testing.  However, thanks to Marilyn's expertise in identifying and carefully documenting his existing communicative incompetence as well as his expressive, descriptive language and pragmatic deficits, Henry was able to keep his speech therapy services and is progressively working on those issues.  These are language problems that consistently go by undetected by many, because they are hidden beneath the child's normal appearance and intelligence. This fact is particularly important to those mild to moderate "borderline" Autistic children who commonly, easily slip through the cracks without having their needs addressed. 

If you're a parent who is seeking the absolute best in the business for your child, look no further.  Marilyn is  worth her weight in gold and has become a large part of our children's success. 

Edna L.


Cuando entré a la oficina de Marilyn Negrón por primera vez, no tenia la menor idea de lo importante que  sería ese paso, no solo para el futuro de mis niños, sino también para su capacidad de hablar y comunicarse efectivamente. Marilyn es una Patóloga del Habla y Lenguaje increíblemente inteligente que tiene un entrenamiento clinico  y de educativo de avanzada tanto en español como en inglés dentro de este campo.  Ella es parte de una de clinicos que están desapareciendo, que poseen una habilidad especial de identificar  las necesidades específicas de cada niño bajo su mando. Es evidente Marilyn hace observaciones exactas y ayuda a los niños a obtener la ayuda que merecen.  Además, su oficina es impecablemente limpia y llena de material creativo para incentivar el aprendizaje. 

Mi hija Emily de 3 años, no podia hablar hasta que conocio a Marilyn.  Emily me pregunta cada manana, "Me toca con Marilyn, hoy? ".  Creo que ella asocia a Marilyn como la persona que la ha liberado verbalmente para que su mami , su hermano, amigos y maestros puedan finalmente comprender que es lo que ella está diciendo. Yo recuerdo no hace mucho cuando Emily lloraba después de preguntar repetidamente  por algo   y no ser comprendida, en cambio ella observaba a su hermano preguntar por algo y obtenerlo inmediatamente.  Emily estaba recibiendo terapia del lenguaje de diferentes terapeutas a traves de intervención temprana, a pesar de esto, su maestra me informo que ella estaba muy preocupada porque Emily se estaba volviendo retraida en clase y ella creia que esto era debido a su retraso del lenguaje.  No fue hasta que ella empezo a trabajar con Marilyn, que la maestra y yo empezamos a notar que Emily estaba hablando y cantando mas clara y ella se sentia mas segura de si misma.  Marilyn también es una de las pocas expertas, que descubrio que el retraso del lenguaje de Emily era parte de una condición mas compleja de dispraxia del desarrollo.

Mi hijo mayor de solo 4 años, ha sido diagnosticado con Autismo (funcionamiento alto).  Él habla claramente y pronuncia las palabras apropiadamente.  Normalmente esto sería suficiente para que le dejen de dar los servicios de terapia del habla y lenguaje.  Gracias a Marilyn que identificó y documentó con cuidado su incompetencia de comunicarse  apropriadamente, en su lenguaje receptivo, expresivo, y pragmatico, Henry pudo continuar los servicios de terapia del habla y lenguaje y esta trabajando progresivamente en estos déficits. Estos problemas que consistentemente no son identificados porque están escondidos dentro de la apariencia normal y la inteligencia.  Este es un factor particularmente importante entre los niños autistas, para aquellos entre leve y moderado "fronterizo", niños que communmente se escapan con facilidad a traves de las rendijas sin que sus necesidades hallan sido tratados. 

Si usted es un padre que esta buscando lo mejor de lo mejor para su hijo, no vaya mas alla.  Marilyn vale mas que su peso en oro y se ha convertido en gran parte del exito de nuestros ninos.

Edna L.

Our family was fortunate enough to find Marilyn after delays in our son’s speech development was identified at an early age.  Frustrated with the bureaucratic to-ing and fro-ing we reached out to Marilyn directly and I believe that on many levels that this was the best thing we could have done for our son.  The two immediately formed a bond (his highlight to the week was soon his sessions “going to see Marilyn”), and within a matter of weeks, going through the exercises in his book and the in session play and games, we began to notice improvements in his speech and in his confidence. 

Marilyn provided therapy for our son from ages 2 3/4-5½, and he went from a very shy toddler with identified speech development delays who would barely utter a sound to anyone except myself and my wife, to a confident little boy how can talk your ear off,  and will if you give him half a chance.  We have Marilyn to thank for a huge part of this transformation.  Her compassion, warm heart, professionalism, experience and deep understanding of speech pathology and therapy, and of the needs of her clients and their families, were invaluable in helping our boy. 

Through our time with Marilyn, she really became part of the family, and it was a bitter sweet day when our sessions came to an end.  Without doubt, her influence on my son went far beyond helping him with formation of sounds or pronunciation.  Her interactive sessions set him up for not only speech development, but numeracy, social interactions and reading.  I can say that Marilyn truly cares about, and is invested in her kids.       

Miller/Gonzalez family

If you are looking for an exceptional speech therapist, look no further.  Marilyn Negrón is the best.  Once you meet her you will understand what I am talking about.  We first met Marilyn as a private speech therapist 6 years ago when my oldest daughter turned 3 and needed a new therapist to work with her in preschool.   She has worked with my daughter very successfully over the past few years in individual setting, at all grade levels across the spectrum of speech genres.  I so appreciate Marilyn’s organization, preparation and attention to detail, as we worked together over the years on numerous goals.  It’s a pleasure to work with a professional who understands a child’s needs so uniquely, to consider parental input so carefully and to care so deeply.   She has made a world of difference for my daughter and for my family.   I feel very fortunate to have Marilyn in our lives and I would not entrust my daughter to anyone else!

Elizabeth R.​


Si usted está buscando una terapeuta del hablar excepcional, no busque más.  Marilyn Negrón es la mejor. Una vez que la conozcas entenderás de lo que estoy hablando.  Conocimos a Marilyn como terapeuta del habla privada hace 6 años atrás cuando mi hija mayor cumplió 3 y necesitaba un nuevo terapeuta para trabajar con ella en el preescolar.   Ha trabajado con mi hija con mucho éxito en los últimos años en ajustes individuales, en todos los niveles en todo el espectro de los géneros del discurso.  Agradezco de Marilyn su organización, preparación y atención al detalle, como hemos trabajado juntos durante los años en numerosas metas.  Es un placer trabajar con un profesional que entiende las necesidades de un niño tan único, a considerar las opiniones de los padres tan cuidadosamente y que se preocupe tan profundamente. Ella ha hecho una gran diferencia para mi hija y para mi familia.   Me siento muy afortunada de tener Marilyn en nuestras vidas y no le confío a mi hija a nadie mas!

​Elizabeth R.

My daughter is a three year old who exhibits mild delays in her speech.  These delays have caused her frustration within her classroom as well as home.  She was unable to let you know what she wanted without showing inappropriate behavior.  I brought my daughter to Marilyn Negrón for speech services in September 2012.  My daughter has been seeing her twice a week for 45 minutes.  Ever since working with Marilyn my daughter has been able to express her feelings without hitting or throwing a tantrum like she used to do.  She can now tell me how she is feeling, what she wants and speaks in full sentences.  Her behavior has improved immensely because she can now express herself appropriately.  This is all because of the wonderful work that Marilyn has and is still doing with my daughter.  I highly recommend Marilyn for any child who is displaying any type of speech delay.  She makes the learning fun and engaging.  She does what works best for your child as every child has their own needs. 

Lorraine F.​

Ms. Marilyn Negrón is very a professional, competent and effective speech language pathologist. She is caring, giving and nurturing with her students as well as structured.  The learning environment is inviting, bright and clean. Ms. Negrón has worked with my daughter for over a year.  Via games, toys and numerous arts crafts project she has been able to address and meet the needs of my daughter.  Under Ms. Negrón's guidance my daughter has made great progress regarding her speech and language delays . I would highly recommend Ms. Negrón as a speech language pathologist .

Lillian L.


  Email: info@marilynnegron.com